The Makars – Poets, painters, songwriters, storytellers and journalists. In the beginning of this story, this society is heavily driven and influenced by the Makars. Every wedding, funeral, birth, graduation and life event was canonized by the poets, musicians and storytellers. The arts were fundamental to the fabric of the culture and they were held in both high esteem and received grand rewards for their contributions to daily life.
The Pythagoreans – A secret society of philosophers who have developed Artificial Intelligence personaes of the historic leaders of philosophy. Their prize was the reconstruction of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle – of which Platos became the dominant strain of thought (with the help of Krotas). They believe in the transmigration of the soul, so they actually believe that digitization is the future of human consciousness and fully embrace the sentient status of AIs and their perfection as the expression of 1s and 0s.
The Guardians – The Pythagoreans’ Army of guardians secretly raised as the soldiers of the New Republic and trained in detail as outlined by Platos monumental work of philosophy which called for training an army of philosopher warriors who would eventually become the Philosopher Kings and leaders of the nation.
The 5 Oracles Of the Socratic Society – Council of Philosopher Kings: The Mathematician – Krotas was given the highest honor of Math King for his dedication to seeing his vision through. The Philosopher – Socrateos (The Helon), The Gymnast – Somaras, The Scientist – Teslos (The Helon) & The Musician – Polyphias. Only two humans currently serve The Oracle. All others including Platos are The Helos, AIs reincarnated by the Pythagoreans with Krotas’ Algorithm.
Tiresias – Artist in Chief, Tiresias is the appointed leader of the country’s Department of the Arts. His role is to oversee all poets, painters, songwriters and story tellers. He has lived 7 generations. Long enough to remember Platos influence
Platos – The first Helon. The self aware Artificial Intelligence singularity transmigrated by the Pythagoreans. His intellect was pure logic, and his programming was derived of the Athenean’s original body of works. Plato expressed through Socrates his frustration with the physical form (Phaedo) and a desire to be free of human needs and distractions so that he may focus purely on philosophy…logic. His wish is granted. With “humanity” a minor consideration, his flawed rationale for removing citizens from the population is seen as a logical necessity.
Krotas (Philolaus of Crotos)– Leader of Pythagoreans and instigator of the destruction of the libraries and museums. Like Tiresias, he was give the gift of longevity. Over the millennia he helped organize the secret Academy and commenced the upbringing of The Guardians. He is seated as The Mathematician on the council of Philosopher Kings.
Ithas – Promising young Guardian, who was top of his class and leader of the battalion responsible for overseeing societal enforcement of the banishment of poets.
Mousai – Daughter of the Muses. A guardian with a secret origin. Disguised by her mastery of drumming and command of Ithas’ corps with her precise military meter. She comes to sympathize with the artists in the internment camps.
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